1 (713)299-9209

[email protected]
EPA Permitted

Data Sanitization

Department of Defense's data destruction guidelines as outlined in DOD 5220.22-M, clarify secure data wiping as 'the overwriting of each sector of the disk no less than three times.' The manner in which the process occurs is as follows:

Hard Drive Shredding

We recognize that there are occasions when a client requires that their hard drives are shredded rather than ‘wiped’. During the shredding process our state-of-the-art E-Shredder will:

In addition, shortly clients will be able to track on line (through our client log-in) their e-waste from collection to the end of the recycling process. Reports will include a full asset accountability manifest including details of manufacturer, model, classification, asset tag (if available) and weights. We also provide an outstanding level of quality assurance to our customers through our intensive chain of custody documentation and auditable reports.

Contact us today at 1 (713) 299-9209 for more information about our technology recycling services.